
Why Won’t Instagram Let Me Follow People

Why won’t Instagram let me follow people?

Hey folks! Welcome to my blog post.

In this article, I’m gonna share with you one of the hot topics why Instagram doesn’t let me follow more people now.

Instagram is the most engaging and active social networking application.

It’s a social networking website. Instagram allows you to share visual content.

It can be an image or a video.

All you need to make an account and start using it.

Making an Instagram account is extremely simple, you have to download the Instagram application on your mobile device or you can directly visit the Instagram website from your laptop or PC.

After visiting the site now you have to click on the signup button then it will ask you to fill up your basic details.

If you already have a Facebook account then you can directly sign up on Instagram with your Facebook account.

After creating an account now you have to fill up the full details of your account.

If you have a personal account then you need to fill in the details in that way but if you have a business account then you have to fill in your company details.

Using Instagram is extremely easy.

You can follow other people and others can follow you back.

You can like someone else pictures and can comment on others’ content.

Content can be anything whether it can be images or videos.

You can share the content on your Instagram feed, through stories, and through direct messages.

If you want to share the content publically then you have to post the content on your Instagram feed and stories but if you want to share privately then you have to share the content via direct message.

Now Instagram has one more feature.

You can now post long videos from Instagram TV also known as IGTV.

It’s a platform for sharing long videos.

Instagram now allows you to share the last up to 10 minutes of videos.

Instagram is a platform for increasing followers, the more you have followers the more you can reach people.

Sometimes it happens that you can’t follow more people.

It can have multiple reasons, in this article I’m gonna figure out how you can overcome this situation and how you can follow more people.

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There can be multiple reasons a few of which are listed below:

1. It can be a bug:

Sometimes your Instagram application can have bugs.

These bugs can come into play for many reasons.

Maybe your Instagram application is not up to date.

Maybe your application got stuck just because you’re using an old version of the application.

To resolve the issue, you need to update your application from the Play Store or AppStore.

To update the application you have to visit the Play Store and go to my apps and games.

Then you’ll find three sections The first one is the updates section where you’ll find all the applications that need to be updated.

Installed section, where you’ll find all the applications that have already been installed, and a library section where you’ll find all the apps that you already used before but are uninstalled now.

You can now update your application from the updates section and then restart your application.

Maybe your issue will be solved.

If still your issue is not solved then you have to restart your device.

You can also uninstall the application and restart the app again.

Now after reinstalling the app, you have to log in again, so you just need to have your Instagram password.

If you have signed up with Facebook then no need to remember the password.

After restarting the app if still, if you still can’t follow people then you have the last option to report the bug.

Either you can do it from your laptop or PC or you can use your Instagram app for it.

  • Report bug from laptop or PC:

For reporting an error all you need to go to the link and explain about your account then you have to hit the submit button.

Instagram reviews your issue and will respond but care should be taken if the problem is general means it’s from your end then Instagram will not respond to you.

Generally, I have seen Instagram only respond when the problem is public means everyone getting the same problem then Instagram announces the issue from its official social handlers.

  • Report bug from your cell phone:

If you want to report the bug from the Instagram application then you have to go to your app and open your account then you have to click on the profile tab at the bottom right corner.

After that, you have to click on the three horizontal lines and click on the settings tab.

Scroll down below and go to the report a problem tab.

Now you have to type your issue and then hit the submit button.

These are the best possible ways of reporting bugs.

2. Maybe you are using the bots:

If you’re violating the Instagram guidelines by following too many accounts in a short interval then the Instagram algorithm will definitely hit you and ban your action for some time.

Generally, it happens that if you are doing too much activity in a short time then the algorithm seems to be spam and blocks your action.

It’s a guideline that you have to follow, like, or comment on other users’ posts wisely and make it human interaction, not bot interaction.

Nowadays the algorithm has become too smart, you can’t do any spamming activity on your account.

If still, you still want to use the bot’s applications or websites then it’s recommended that you use them wisely.

You have to set a time limit.

You can follow up to 60 people in an hour.

Many Instagram experts did research and found that if you want to follow too many accounts then you must have to limit yourself up to 60 accounts in an hour.

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3. Maybe your internet connection not working properly:

It may be a concern that your internet connection not working properly.

To fix the issue you have to check your internet connection.

Either you’re using broadband, wifi or you’re using your mobile data.

You have to make sure that your internet connection is properly connected.

Sometimes it happens that your internet not working for a short time and applications take time to load and even you can’t follow the people.

It’s a basic problem all you need to wait sometimes until your internet again starts working.

If you have wifi then you can restart your wifi router and see if the problem is solved or not.

4. You have a limit of the following:

It always to be good to follow fewer people as compared to your followers.

If you want to become a successful Instagram influencer then you must have fewer followers.

You can follow up to 7500 people. Once you’ll get the limit you’ll not be able to follow more people.

It’s a recommendation, if you already have a limit then you must consider removing the ghost followers also known as the inactive followers.

Ghost followers are those who don’t show any activity on your Instagram post for a long time.

These accounts may be spammy or bot accounts.

All you need to remove these accounts from your following list.

For removing ghost followers there are a lot of tools or websites available in the market.

You can easily identify ghost followers from these apps or websites and can easily remove them from your account.

5. Maybe Instagram is down for that time:

Sometimes it happens that Instagram may be down just because of some reason.

You have to keep checking your Twitter handle, Is Instagram updated with any issues via tweet?

It happens rarely but you have to keep an eye.

You can also check it manually from various websites.

Just type on Google’s website down detector.

You’ll find the list of all the websites.

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Now you have to visit the website paste the link inside the box and hit the enter button.

Here I listed some guidelines that will help you stay within the limit of your actions:

  • Likes Limit:

The likes limit should be one like in 28-36 seconds or 1000 likes every 24 hours.

  • Followers limit:

The follower limit should be 1 follow every 28-36 seconds or 200 followers every hour.

You need to limit yourself to 1000 followers every 24 hours or a day.

  • Followers + Like limit:

The followers and likes limit should be around 2000 actions (1000 likes and 1000 followers) every single day.

You can also say that 1+1 action in every 28-38 seconds.

  • Unfollow limit:

You can unfollow a single account in 12-22 seconds or can also say that 1000 accounts every 24 hours.

  • Mention the limit in every caption:

You can mention 5 people in every single post. For the next 5 activities, you have to wait for 350-450 seconds.

  • Comment limit:

You can do 12-14 comments every hour. The comment interval should be 350-400 seconds.

  • Publishing the content:

The content limit should be for a new account is 2-3 images in a day.

If your account is old then you can post 9-12 images a day and the same for the video content also.

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So after concluding the session, I can say that there can be multiple reasons that you are not able to follow more people.

These major reasons I already listed above.

If still, your problem is still not solved then you must need to report it to the Instagram team.

The team will definitely help you to solve your issue.

Instagram is a social networking website and application.

You need to respect the community guidelines.

You have to make sure that you don’t do any spammy activity that may land your account at risk.

If you still have questions then please comment down below I’ll surely help you out to solve the issues.

Tell me what problem you’re facing with your account.


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