31 Instagram Tips, Hacks and Tricks You Should Know

Instagram is the largest and most popular photo and video-sharing platform.

You can’t even share images, you can share the videos as well.

Instagram has a massive audience database of over one billion accounts. You can imagine the number of users.

It’s a simple and easy-to-use platform.

You just need to download the application from PlayStore or AppStore.

Once the application will install now you need to create an account if you don’t have one.

Once the account is created, make sure to update your profile. Once the profile is created you’re ready to rock with your friends and family.

Make sure it’s a visual platform which means you can share images and videos only. You can’t share text-based content. You can’t even share links like Twitter and Facebook.

After creating an account now you need to share a post. It’s easy to share a post on the platform.

Make sure to click on the plus icon you’ll find at the middle bottom of the application.

Once you’ll click over there it’ll ask you to upload the post. Now you need to choose the image or picture you want to share.

Once selected, make sure to upload it to your Instagram application.

Now you need to fill out the required fields. Once all the fields are filled out, make sure to put the relevant hashtags and captions.

Your caption should be relevant to your post. You can use emojis and textures so that posts can be more appealing.

You can also set the location where you’re capturing and posting the image.

Once everything did make sure to hit the share button and boom! Your post will be public on Instagram.

Instagram is a social community where you can join with your loved ones. You can follow others and others can follow you back.

You can also talk to them about DIRECT MESSAGES.

Sometimes you may need some shortcuts or tricks on the platform that can help you to share more with your audience.

In this article, I’ll explain some of the best hacks, tips, and tricks of the platform. Make sure to stay with me and learn everything you need to know about the platform.

I’m not sure whether these hacks, tips, and tricks you may know or not, but still, I’ll give you some of the best hacks, tips, and tricks.

Use them if you find them helpful:

1. Make sure about your profile:

It’s one of the top priorities that you need to take care of that’s why I gave it number 1.

Make sure to update your Instagram profile throughout so that you won’t be able to lose your followers.

Make sure to fully update your profile including your name, profile image, bio, email, and phone number, and yes website URL as well if you have one.

Once the profile is complete start promoting.

Before sharing anything on your Instagram profile make sure to update your profile and update everything and always take examples from others.

Make sure to do research on your industry and see how others are updating their profile, make sure to follow the same strategy.


2. Give your Instagram post a unique look:

Do you know about the theme color?

Do you see the popular brands how they promoting their stuff?

You’ll find they have their own unique style in terms of sharing the content.

They have their own unique theme color you’ll find. Make sure about that. Your theme colors should be unique and specific.

Once the theme color is decided, make sure to use this theme color on every upcoming post.

The more you’ll keep the theme color the same the more your customers or followers will recognize your brand.


3. Get active and follow your competitors:

Following your competitors seems like maybe you’re thinking I’m crazy but yes you should follow your competitors and you need to follow those competitors that already outperforming their business.

Make sure to follow them now.

Make sure to get active on Instagram and check how your competitors posting content.

When you do so it’ll give you an idea about how your competitors performing.

Make sure about that, learn from your competitors, and perform well from them. Once you’ll learn from your competitors you’ll get ideas about what actually works and what’s not.

Read more about these topics:

How to Know My Direct Message on Instagram Read or Not

Secrets to Get More Instagram Video Views

4. Make sure about hashtags:

Have you reshared something on Facebook? What happens when we reshare the content on social media like Facebook?

Of course, the content will be shared with your friends and followers as well.

Just like that if you want to reach more audiences on Instagram then you should reshare and should use the hashtags in your reshared post.

Using hashtags can help you to reach more audiences.

Posting without using hashtags will not help you to reach more audience.

Research shows that using 10+ hashtags is good, we should consider using the hashtags but should not use too many because it looks like we’re doing spamming.

Make sure to use Hashtags but not too many because they can harm your Instagram reach.

There are tons of tools on the web for finding popular hashtags, so make sure to use these tools for finding the popular hashtags.

Remember hashtags you’re using should be relevant and related to the Instagram post.

Never use irrelevant hashtags because these irrelevant hashtags can ruin your reach and you may get shadowban, make sure about that.

5. Want to reach more:

It’s good to ask you to follow me, please. If you don’t have tons of followers then don’t worry you can directly ask the audience to please follow me.

Either you can ask in your post or you can also ask on Instagram DM.

Make sure to use the special hashtags for asking please follow me. You can use #followforfollow, #f4f, #L4L etc. You can use these hashtags and directly ask the Instagram audience to please like and follow my post.

You can also create special Facebook or WhatsApp groups and ask people to follow you, in return, you’ll follow them back.

Make sure this trick will only work if you’ll follow your industry niche people. Make sure not to follow irrelevant people it won’t help you.


Make sure to keep your post clean. You should put the hashtags at the end of the post.

First, you need to upload the post on your Instagram account with your Instagram application on your device.

Once the post is uploaded, make sure to write a caption and then use some hashtags.

After putting the hashtags, make sure to give some gap between your caption or hashtags and never mix them.

Your post should be clear and your caption should be easily understandable.

Once the content is ready to post then hit the share button in order to share the post.

7. Make some notes:

If you’re using a smartphone then most probably you have a notepad on your device.

If you can’t find one, make sure to download an application.

Once it’s done, make sure to find some relevant hashtags related to your industry niche.


Once you’ve found the hashtags make a group of each hashtag.

You can copy these hashtags and create a 5-6 group of rotational hashtags.

You can use these hashtags on alternate posts or you can use them according to your need.

Suppose I’m posting something on Instagram and now I need the hashtags, I can simply copy from my notepad and can directly post from here.

Make sure to create at least 5-6 groups of relevant hashtags and use these on a consistent basis.

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As you’re running a company and you want recognition more people will attract to your business.

Here is the best option for you. Make sure to use 2-3 hashtags as your company brand or related to your niche.

Once the post is ready to post, make sure to include at least 2-3 hashtags that actually related to your business or you can also use the company name as well.


Make sure to include them if you want to make your company a brand.

9. Make sure about captions:

Do you know Instagram captions are much more important than you think? Yes! Caption plays a major role in order to get more Instagram followers.

Make sure to include an attractive and related caption so that you can attract more audience to your account.

Make sure your caption should be appealing and must be related to your post. The caption should tell about the post. What you’re posting each thing should be explained in your Instagram caption.

10. Make sure about the quality:

While posting on Instagram you should always take care of the quality.

Quality is everything that you should never compromise.

Make sure to use a quality camera in order to capture the best moments of your life.

The better you’ll use the camera the more you’ll get likes and comments and engagements on your post.

You can use your smartphone camera if you don’t want to waste your precious money on buying an expensive camera and then taking pictures.

Make sure the pictures and videos you’re taking should be clear and easily understandable by your audience.

11. Use photo and video editing tools:

Make sure to use the photo and video editing tools in order to edit your content.

Your content should be good enough to get more likes and engagement on your Instagram post.

Make sure about the quality. The more appealing and quality image or video you take the better it’ll be. Make sure about that.

I’ll recommend some of the best photo editing tools like CANVA and SnapSeed.

Make sure to use these tools to edit your daily content.

These images and video editing tools are free to use and you don’t need to pay a single penny for that.

12. Make sure to take action:

Make sure you’re using the social community website or platform that’s why I’ll recommend you encourage your audience to take action.

Suppose I have an eCommerce store and I use it to promote the stuff on Instagram. What I can do, I can share the images and videos and with these images, I can tell the audience inside the caption please buy this stuff in our store.

Well, the question is if someone likes your stuff and now he/she wants to buy it. How she can buy the stuff because Instagram doesn’t allow you to post the link on the caption and it’s not even clickable like Twitter.

That means, your target customer actually can’t find the link and never buy your stuff because there is not an active link where the user can click.

I’ll recommend creating a landing page and adding all the products you want to promote.

After adding these products now you need to copy the link of the landing page and shorten this link by using link link-shortening service.

Once the link is short make sure to put this link on your Instagram bio. Once the link is pasted over there you can post anything on Instagram and guide your users to follow the link in bio.

13. Make sure to spread the love:

Instagram is a social community, make sure to engage with your audience, and always reply to their questions or queries.

Always respond to them with a genuine reply always love your audience, spread good knowledge with your loved ones, and always ask to share your content.

Make sure to engage with your audience in comments, the more you’ll engage with your audience the better it’ll be.

Make sure to care about your audience and always give them respect even if they don’t.

14. Make sure to ask to respond:

Make sure to ask your audience to respond to your post or comments. You can ask the question inside the post.

The more you’ll ask the questions the more you’ll get engagement on your post and the better it’ll be.

Make sure to use an engaging caption so that more people can engage with your post.

You can ask about anything that actually related to your post. The more you’ll ask the more you’ll get engagement with your post.

Give the reason to respond to your post.

15. Find the master in your niche:

Make sure to find the influencer in your area. Once you find them make sure to ask them and find out the way to collaborate with them so that you can also grow your audience.

Make sure the more you’ll work with these influencers the more you will be able to grow your followers and the better it’ll be for your account.

Help each other to grow. The more you’ll help the more you’ll grow.

16. Create a plan to post:

Make sure to create a consistent schedule for your Instagram post.

Just like you do for your new blog post or your new YouTube video you should also consider scheduling the plan for posting content on Instagram as well.

It’ll create trust and credibility in your audience and your audience will more trust you.

You should be consistent in terms of posting the content on Instagram. Make sure to use the scheduling software or platforms for scheduling the content for Instagram.

You can make a pre-plan for your next upcoming three months.

Want to learn more?

Best Apps for Editing Pictures for Instagram

Can I See Who Saved My Posts on Instagram?

17. Make sure to track the performance:

Have you used an Instagram business account?

If not then make sure to use it. You can also convert your personal account into a business account.

Make sure to convert your Instagram personal account into a business account.

Once you’ll convert the account you’ll unlock tons of different features.

Make sure to unlock them.

An Instagram business account allows you to track the performance of your account.

It’ll tell you how your account performing.

How many followers you’re getting? What actually the performance last few weeks or months and lots of other things.

18. Embed Instagram feed:

Do you know you can embed your Instagram feed on your website or blog?

If not then make sure to consider this. Instagram shares its API to embed your Instagram feed on your website so that people can directly see your Instagram post on your website and if they like the post they can directly follow you.

If you’re using WordPress then you can directly use the plugin for embedding the Instagram feed on your website.

Make sure to embed it right now.

If you have a fashion blog or travel blog then you should share your Instagram post on your website or blog as well.

19. Do not cheat the system:

Most people search for buying Instagram followers on the web.

It’s a personal suggestion for you not to do that because it’s not gonna help you. The reason behind not buying the followers is these followers are not genuine means they most probably won’t take any interest in your content means you’ll not get any benefit from these followers.

If you want to grow your Instagram account then make sure to consider growing it organically and don’t buy the followers.

These paid followers won’t give much engagement on your post and you won’t get any value from them.

20. Tag people on your post:

Do you know you can tag other people on your Instagram posts and stories?

Here is the trick, make sure to upload the image or video you want to share. After uploading make sure to add an attractive caption and also hashtags.

Now add the location tag. Once everything did make sure to tag other people related to your post.

Don’t spam the system, make sure to tag only those people who actually related to the post otherwise, your account may be considered by Instagram a spammy account and it can be shut down so make sure to be relevant in terms of tagging.

21. Content is everything:

Make sure to improve the quality of your content.

Instagram is a visual platform, which means you have two types of content to share, the first one is images and the second is videos.

In order to improve the quality of your content, you can use high-quality cameras and videography instruments.

If you’re using your phone then you can apply the special filters in order to capture the best shoot.

You can also learn from other resources on the internet to get an idea about how you can edit the content in order to succeed.

Do you know random images capture the most exciting and most beautiful moments and they can get tons of likes and comments?

Yes! That’s true, you can capture random images while you’re on a trip or you can ask someone to capture some amazing moments without knowing you.

These random images and videos are much more popular than pre-planned images.

22. Make sure about your profile image:

Do you know a profile image says thousands of words?

Make sure to update your profile image on a consistent basis.

Make sure to update your images on a weekly or at least monthly basis.

People always looking for new content that’s why you should always need to be active and always change your profile DP so that others can get you’re continuously active on your profile and you’re updating your profile on a consistent basis.

23. Make sure about a call to action:

Instagram is a social network, you should include a call to action on your profile.

It can be anything. As I recommended in the above point you should include a lead capture form so that you can allow people to fill a form and later you can contact them and ask them to buy your stuff or you can also ask them to give their email, in return to the email, you can provide them free ebook related to anything.

If you have an affiliate or eCommerce store then you can provide the link of the store or landing page where your products are listed.

24. Right time post:

Make sure to post the content on Instagram at the right time.

Suppose you have a specific business and most customers or audience comes online from 11 PM to 2 PM then make sure to post at that time.

If you want to track when you’re getting maximum engagement then make sure to convert your personal Instagram account into a business account and see the analytics for your account.

Once you see the analytics you’ll find that your maximum audience is always online.

Make sure to post the content at that time only.

It will help you to get more engagement and comments on your Instagram post. Time is the most important factor in order to get maximum engagement in your post.

Make sure to switch your personal account into a business or creator’s account if you want to track the performance of your account and if you want to know how exactly your account is performing.

25. Make sure to include the swipe-up link:

Do you know Instagram stories have a feature to provide the swipe-up link?

Yes if you have more than 10K followers then you have an amazing option of utilizing the swipe-up feature.

Make sure to use this feature.

If you want to include the swipe-up link on your stories then make sure you have more than 10K followers only you can include the link swipe-up on your Instagram stories.

26. Use Instagram Stories and IGTV feature:

You may be aware of both the terms, Instagram stories, and Instagram IGTV videos.

Sometimes you may need to share some love with your followers and want to personally share something, it can be images or videos.

Make sure to use Instagram stories in order to get more engagement on your account. Instagram stories are the best way to connect with your followers.

Sometimes you may need to share the long videos then there is one more option for you.

You can use Instagram TV also known as IGTV.

Make sure to use this feature if you want to share long videos with your loved ones, friends, and family members.

If you want to get access to the stories then you need to hit the circle you’ll find at the top of the application.

Once you’ll click over there it’ll ask you to upload the image or video you want to share.

Make sure to upload the content and fill out your caption, hashtags, location, emojis, or whatever you may need.

Once everything did make sure to hit the share button and boom! your stories will be shared among your followers.

27. Make sure to learn from your analytics:

If you have a business account or creator account on Instagram then you most probably have access to analytics on Instagram.

Make sure to use these analytics in order to see the performance of your Instagram account.

The more you’ll see the better it’ll be.

The more you’ll analyze your account the more you’ll get an idea of how actually your account performing and what type of content actually performing the best.

28. Make sure to use the Instagram DM feature:

Have you interacted on Instagram DM with someone?

Make sure to shout out on the Instagram post.

You can share anything on Instagram and DM.

Make sure to add in maximum groups and participate in each group and ask them to follow your account.

Make sure to provide value to your Instagram DM group users. Provide them with high-quality content and share your thoughts and ideas with them.

29. Posting more video content:

Images say thousands of words but do you know videos say millions?

Yes, make sure to include the video content as much as you can. Make sure to share the videos on a regular basis.

The more you’ll share the videos the better it’ll be.

Make sure videos should be high-quality and content should be super amazing in order to get more interaction with your account.

The more you’ll share videos the better it’ll be.

30. Promote your Instagram on other social media:

Hey man! There is other social media platform as well.

Make sure to connect your Instagram account with your Facebook and Twitter or other platforms as well.

Make sure to go to your Instagram settings and find the connect account option.

Once you’ve found it, make sure to connect with them.

When you do so next time you post something on Instagram it’ll ask you to share the link of your post on these connected social accounts as well.

The more accounts you’ll connect the better it’ll be.

Something more for you:

Is There a Way to Find Old Instagram Stories?

How Can I Use Instagram to Promote My Business

31. Make sure to go live:

Instagram has one of the best features to go live.

Make sure to go live on a consistent basis. You should go live once a week or if possible twice or thrice a week will help you to grow your account.

The more you’ll go live on Instagram the better it’ll be and you may attract more people to your Instagram account.

Make sure to go live when possible.

In order to go live you need to click on the middle of the camera icon, you’ll find it on your Instagram application.

Once you’ve clicked over there, make sure to wipe it on the live option. Once you’ll find the option make sure to go live.

You should also learn:

Why Instagram is the Best Social Media

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Bottom lines:

These are the well-known tips and tricks you should use on a consistent basis.

Make sure to apply these tricks on a daily basis. If you face any issues or you have any other problems make sure to mention it in the comments down below.

Instagram is really a powerful tool if you want to connect with your audience. Make sure to create an account if you don’t have one.

Tell me which one you like the most.


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