Secrets To Get More Instagram Video Views

What are the Secrets to Get More Instagram Video Views?

Have you ever wondered to think about Instagram video views?

Why you’re not getting enough views compared to your followers?

Why you’re not getting much engagement in the form of likes and comments on your Instagram videos?

Well here I’m gonna help you guys to break it down and after reading this blog, I’ll guarantee if you leverage these tactics in your future content you’ll definitely see the difference.

In this article, I’m gonna share with you some of the best secrets that will help you generate thousands of video views on Instagram videos.

Let’s start with a small introduction.

As all we know about the most trending social media platform these days it’s Instagram yes.

You can do a lot more things on the platform.

Since its founding, Instagram has a lot of changes to its features.

If you want to stay connected with your loved ones once then you must need to create an account and start using the platform.

Instagram has now more than one billion active users.

If you have a business and still you’re not using the platform then trust me you’re losing lots of free traffic.

You can share the visual content only.

Visual means either you can share images or videos. You can’t share the text and links alone.

Instagram introduced one more feature called IGTV also known as Instagram TV.

Now you can post the videos for up to 10 minutes (correct me if I’m wrong).

Videos are the backbone of getting more and more followers.

If you want to grow your Instagram followers fast then Instagram videos are the only way that can leverage more and more followers to your account but sometimes it is difficult for you to get more Instagram video views.

Well here is the article for you to generate thousands of views without spending a single penny.

You can use these tactics not only for Instagram but for all social media.

If you want to generate more views on your content, it may be images or videos then there must be some golden rules you need to take a look at.

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Here are the steps:

1. Generate super amazing content:

Generating content doesn’t mean you make a video on a blah blah topic and share it on social media and expect you’ll get thousands of views, probably not.

Have you ever written an article about any topic?

Just think about it, Have you written an article on some topic that didn’t exist yet on the internet?

Well, probably not.

You can find tons of content on the internet already posted whatever you thinking about, maybe this content you’ll already find on the web.

So if it is found on the internet, we should create content on that same topic or not?

Of course, we should.

But the first thing you need to figure out is some tips.

You first need to figure out your competitor in your topic niche already ranking on the first page of Google.

Let’s understand it by taking an example, suppose you’re writing an article about “best Instagram captions“.

Now you first need to figure out with the Google search what the best results for this keyword.

You can see there are millions of pages already present on the same keyword.


What does that mean?

It means there is a lot of competition to rank higher.

So you first need to figure out the first-page results of how detailed they wrote the content.

If someone wrote 400+ best captions for your Instagram post then you should write a much more detailed article like 500+ best captions for your Instagram post.

This means quality is everything, the same rule applies here to video creation.

You first need to figure out the videos ranking higher in your niche topic, and how detailed they have been shot the video.

You should follow the same tactics and try to be more comprehensive than your competitor.

You should use a high-quality camera, smartphone camera, or DSLR while shooting the video.

Make sure your video should be engaging and informative or entertaining.

If you’re shooting the video from a smartphone or camera make sure to edit the video first before posting it on Instagram.

You can use various applications on PlayStore or AppStore.

Even you can use the software available for the PC or laptop.

If you don’t want to create a video or you do have not enough resources for creating super amazing content then it’s suggested that you use the Creative Commons license videos or you can also use the licensed free videos available on the internet.

You can search, there are tons of websites out there. You can use Creative Commons licensed content for editing and creating super amazing content.

2. Choose an Instagram cover that attracts people to click:

While posting the videos on Instagram make sure to use an attractive thumbnail.

Most of the time people judge the content with the video thumbnail.

Let’s take an example when you visit Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.

Before clicking on any video to play, what do you see?

Of course, you’ll see the thumbnail.

If the thumbnail looks attractive and engaging you’ll definitely click it.

Make sure while choosing the thumbnail, it should be attractive and well-telling about your inside content.


As you can see from the above image. It’s the Instagram Explore tab you can also reach by clicking on the magnifying glass icon just right next to the home button.

You can see the content has amazing thumbnails.

Videos ranking on the explore tab have super amazing thumbnails.

You also need to create a super amazing thumbnail that actually gives you a lot of clicks.

Learn more about the platform:

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3. Post on your Instagram stories:

When you’ll post any video on Instagram make sure to shout out inside the Instagram stories.

As you already know about Instagram stories.

It is just like Snapchat.

It can last up to 24 hours. If you already have a good fanbase and your fans are loyal then they definitely check out your Instagram stories.

Make sure to post your Instagram video thumbnail on your Instagram stories with the link and text like I have posted a video about this, Please check out.


As you can see the story is shared by Buffer with a text click to view the Instagram post.

When people visit your Instagram stories if you have posted an attractive thumbnail they will definitely click on the link and you’ll get more views.

4. Try to be in the Instagram explore tab:

Your aim should be inside the explore tab.

Have you ever visited the Explore tab?

If not, visit now. You’ll see tons of videos and images.

Probably they are not those you’re following but they are the people who get the fastest engagement and views on their content.

Your main goal is to come up inside the explore tab of Instagram.

Once you come up inside the explore tab, your views will skyrocket.

The explore tab you can find just right after the home button tab at the left hand of your mobile screen.

The magnifying glass icon.

Click on that and you’ll find all the most amazing content that gets thousands and millions of views.

Your goal is to come up inside the explore tab.

Now the question is how you can come up inside the explore tab.


Just analyze the content inside the explore tab, What do you see?

You will see one thing common in each piece of content they are super amazing.

You also need to be super amazing.

Your content should stand out from others and for that, you need to devote time and effort to creating super amazing content, it can be images or videos.

Also, read this content:

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5. Share with your friends on Instagram DM’s:

As you already know Instagram DM’s or also known as the direct message.

You can share your content from your Instagram feed with your followers.


You can create Instagram groups with your Instagram followers and share your content with your known people.


Make sure this tactic will work only with your known people.

Your closed people will only love to see the content in the private message tab irrespective of your content not being good enough.

You can share on Instagram and ask other people to do the same and share their known people and ask them to follow the same steps.

This tactic is not that good, still, you can leverage it for more Instagram video views.

6. Make sure to write the comprehensive caption:

While posting the video there is a text box called Instagram captions.

Inside the caption text box, you can write down a comprehensive detail about your content inside the video with relevant hashtags so that you can reach more audiences.

Make sure you can write up to 2200 characters, 30 hashtags, and 30 mentions.

You can also tag other people that relate to your content, it’s called the mention.


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Want to learn how to start an online business? Learn these 5 tips and you too can be successful in business. ⁣ ⁣ I’m old now, I’m 32. But what many of you don’t know about me is I built my first multi-million dollar company before I was 21 years old. ⁣ ⁣ And I built four of them before I was 28 years old. ⁣ ⁣ That’s quick, not as quick as Mark Zuckerberg but still decent enough. ⁣ ⁣ Hey everyone, I’m Neil Patel, and today, I’m going to share with you how to start an online business.⁣ ⁣ See, there’s a lot of similar things that I ended up doing to build these companies.⁣ ⁣ It took me a long time to build my first one, but I learned what not to do. ⁣ ⁣ #1 How to Start an Online Business⁣ The first thing that I learned is I need to focus, and you do too. You probably have a lot of ideas out there. But just because you have a lot of ideas doesn’t mean you should go after each and every single one. ⁣ ⁣ #2 How to Start an Online Business⁣ It takes more than 40 hours a week to run a business. You only have time for one, and you need to put in as much time as possible to do well. So if you look at me, everyone’s like oh, you made some money you probably have a chill life now. No, I don’t have a chill life now. I’m not just watching TV shows all day. I don’t even have a TV in my house. Heck, I don’t even have a home. All I’m doing 24/7 is working. Yes, you may look at that, and you’d be like oh, your life is miserable. Well, if you want to succeed you’ve got to do more than everyone else out there. If my competitors are gonna work 60 or 70 hours a week, I’m gonna go work 80 or 90. I’m gonna do whatever it takes to beat them. I don’t care, that’s how badly I want to win. And that’s why you need to put in more than 40 hours a week into your business. ⁣ ⁣ #3 How to Start an Online Business⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ #NeilPatel #SocialMedia #SEO⁣⁣

A post shared by Neil Patel (@neilpatel) on

Just look at this comprehensive Instagram video post-Instagram by Neil Patel.

As you can see the caption is too long and detailed that it can generate thousands of keywords for ranking on Instagram feeds.

If you’re posting something informative and you don’t have tons of followers then make sure to use the same tactic and share well comprehensive captions with relevant hashtags.

You can mention other people to let them know you just posted something cool.

You can ask people inside your caption to share with your friends and family and also ask them to follow you if they’re not your followers yet.

Here are a few more resources:

How do I Undo a Post I Deleted on Instagram?

How Do I Hide Instagram Posts from Certain Followers

7. Make sure to embed the content:

If you have a website with thousands of visitors on it.

You can embed your newly posted content on your website.

For embedding an Instagram post, you need to go to the Instagram profile and click on the latest video you just shared then click on the three verticle dots at the top right corner of the post.

Click on that and you’ll find an option called the embed post.

Click on that and you’ll get the code.

Embed this code wherever you want. You can also embed the whole Instagram feed.


If your friend or known have a blog or website with tons of traffic make sure that they wrote the content about Instagram, You can ask them to embed your latest video in their blog post.

It can generate thousands of views.

If you don’t have a website then you should create one for free on various free platforms like Blogger and WordPress.

You can also embed the Instagram profile link at the bottom inside the bio of your blog post or any forum you’re currently active.


8. Get traffic and views from other platforms:

Have you ever tried other platforms for getting views on your Instagram content? Yes, you can.

Here now I’m gonna share with you the same exact tactic that will generate thousands of views.

Let’s suppose you’re using Facebook then you need to search on the Facebook search box, Instagram and you’ll find tons of results including pages and groups.


Look at the above image, I have already joined lots of groups.

You need to join Facebook groups related to Instagram only. You have to join as many groups as you can.

After joining the groups you need to start posting your latest content link in these groups and you’ll see tons of engagement on your Instagram post.

Make sure to join only those groups that relate to Instagram.

If you’re using LinkedIn then don’t worry there are also you can ask people in your connection to follow you on Instagram or check out your latest content about that particular topic on my official Instagram account.

People will visit your video and you’ll get more views.

You can use the automation software for messaging people on LinkedIn.

9. Post behind-the-scenes and local videos:

If you’re a company or an individual you can shoot behind-the-scenes content and can post it on Instagram.

People love to see behind-the-scenes content.

Suppose you’re a video creator then you can make a small clip of bloopers for your followers.


You can share the preparation you have done for creating the content.

You can make a small video on the components you used for generating the content.

You can try a lot more things.

Something special for you:

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10. Make sure to post at peak time:

Have you ever wondered, if your content performs extremely well even if they are not that good and some not? Why?

It’s because of the time you post the content that really matters.

If you want to get more and more engagement on your Instagram post then make sure to post at peak time.

Now the question is what’s my peak time?

Every business has its own peak time so it needs to figure out what’s my peak time for sharing content on Instagram.

If you’re using a business account or a creator account you can analyze your analytics data.

Getting access to your Instagram analytics data is easy.

You need to visit your Instagram profile and then click on the three vertical graphs bar-like icon at the top of the mobile screen.


Click on that and you’ll enter into the analytics of Instagram.

Here you can see a lot of data. The engagement, behavior, audience, etc.

Here you can find the peak time when you’re already getting the maximum engagement on your post.

Make sure to post at the same time.


Getting Instagram video views is not as difficult as it seems.

If you want to get thousands of Instagram video views then you should follow these strategies and you’ll definitely get more Instagram video views.

If you still have questions then please comment down below.

I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

If you have more suggestions on getting Instagram video views, make sure to share them with others.

Tell me which one you’re using for getting thousands of free views.


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