
Google PlayStore Ratings Helps A Developer

Google PlayStore is one of the most popular Android applications marketplaces where you can find tons of applications for free and paid.

If you want to download and install one of the applications then you need to open the PlayStore and then you need to search for the application that you’re looking for.

Once you’ve found it, make sure to click on the download button and your application will start downloading on your Android device.

Once the application is downloaded and installed, now, you’re ready to use the application.

There are certain things that you can do with the PlayStore.

Here in this article, you’ll find the complete guide on how you can use the Google PlayStore in order to download and install the application for free.

Make sure to stay with me and read the article completely in order to understand everything you need to know about the Android application and how you can review an application for free.

If you’re using an application then you may come across a situation when you need to rate the application and want to show your feedback.

If this is the case then you’re at the right place. In this article, I’ll explain how you can rate an Android application and provide feedback either positive or negative.

Make sure to read the article and you’ll get detailed information about how a developer can benefit from feedback.

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What a Google PlayStore ratings and reviews?

A Google PlayStore rating and review is one of the best ways to showcase your love or hate for an Android application.

Suppose, you’ve been using an Android application for a while, now, you want to get in touch with the developer or want to showcase your feedback to the community.


If this is the case then you can give the rating and review to that particular application. In order to do that, you need to follow certain steps.

Here are the required steps:

If you want to showcase your love to the Android application then you need to follow the below steps in order to do that.

Make sure to carefully read the below steps and follow the same in order to provide your feedback to the application for free.

1. First, you need to open the PlayStore and need to search for the application that you want to give your feedback and rating.

2. You can also click on your profile at the top-left of the screen and then click on your application.


3. When you hit that, you’ll find all the applications that you have installed on your device. Now, you need to find the application that you want to provide feedback on.


4. Once found, make sure to hit the star rating, and then you need to provide the text that you want to show to the developer and the community.

5. When you do this, your feedback and rating will be submitted and it’ll be publically viewed by all the Android users.

These are the steps that you need to take in order to give your feedback in terms of ratings and reviews.

If you have any issues in any of these steps then you can simply write your issue in the comments down below. Make sure to carefully read all the steps and follow them.

Now, come to the main part of how ratings and reviews can help a developer or author of the application.

Make sure to stay with me and read the article further in order to understand this.

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Here is how ratings and reviews can help:

If you’re a Developer of a particular application published on the PlayStore then you must understand the importance of the reviews.

A review basically stars ratings with the help of which users of the application can represent the feedback whether it’s positive or negative.

If your application has more positive reviews and good star ratings then it’ll not only help to make a positive impact but also helps in App Store Optimization and ultimately helps to get more downloads and more revenue.

Only 0.25 percent -1.5 percent of users will click on reviews to read them on the review screen on the App Store, while 17.2 percent -26.2 percent of users will be exposed to the review widget (where a user can opt to submit a review). In the Google Play store, roughly 13.8 percent -18.5 percent of users will see the review widget, and just 1.4 percent -2.8 percent of users will read app reviews on the review screen. – Quora

Application ratings and reviews not only help in ASO but also help to get feedback about the application.

With the help of the ratings and reviews, Developers can better understand the problems and bugs in using the platform and later can resolve them to make good bug-free applications.

How to get more positive reviews?

If you want to get more positive ratings and reviews then you can do that by enhancing the user experience. The better you’ll have the user experience the better you’ll get reviews and ratings.

If you’re a developer then you need to make sure that your application has easy-to-use features and your application should have exactly the same features that you promise in the description and title of your PlayStore.

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Bottom lines:

So, to conclude this article, we can say that ratings and reviews are really helpful in order to get more downloads.

If you just published the application on PlayStore then you need to focus on getting more and more reviews and ratings.

The more you’ll get the rating the better will be your App Store Optimization and ultimately, it’ll give you a push and will help to get more downloads and users.

Ratings and reviews can also help in building credibility and trust in users’ minds.

If you have a good number of positive reviews and ratings then it’ll help to attract more users and people will start considering you as a brand.


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