How to Use LinkedIn Effectively?
Hello friends! In this comprehensive tutorial, I’m gonna share with you the LinkedIn guide to getting started with a professional network, that will help you to jump-start your career from zero to hero.
Whether you are a professional, jobseeker, business person, freelancer, etc. LinkedIn helps you to grow your career exponentially.
Before starting the main content, I’m going to share with you about LinkedIn, as all aware LinkedIn is a professional community Founded on December 28, 2002, and launched on May 5, 2003. As of June 2019, LinkedIn had 630 million users across 200 countries worldwide.
It’s an American organization wholly owned by Microsoft. Now we will discuss how you can grow your connection and ultimately your career with the help of LinkedIn.
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Here are a few points that you need to consider while making a LinkedIn account.
1. Use your professional real name on LinkedIn:
As all, we are aware LinkedIn is a professional network, so while making an account don’t use a nickname or any other name.
Use your real full name. Fill up the first and last name fields. It will create trust in your connections and help you to grow your network.
If you are making an account for your company then you can use your company name but care should be taken, it should be your full name.
It will help you in SEO to find your profile organically.
2. Use a professional profile image:

Most LinkedIn users make the same mistake, they don’t put the Professional Profile Image. They put some kind of informal image.
It’s not Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc.
These are the community for sharing day-to-day personal life but LinkedIn is quite different, it’s a professional community.
So don’t forget to put a professional image.
Wear a professional dress and clicking the image above the shoulder will look attractive and engaging.
This tip will help you to grow your profile.
3. Use a professional cover image:

The cover image is the part where you can put your professional background for your LinkedIn profile.
Remember to choose a cover image wisely, it should be attractive and professional.
Try to put the details of your skills in your profile cover image.
Try to put your own customized profile cover image.
It should be visible. Always use an HD image.
4. Use a customized URL:
URL is the uniform resource locator. Linkedin allows you to choose the custom URL for your profile.
It will help you to show your profile whenever any user searches for a particular keyword then the LinkedIn algorithm will show your profile because you have already put the custom URL to your profile.
Always choose the URL wisely. When you’re editing your LinkedIn URL keep in mind that choose it wisely, always use your name, your skill, your professional keywords, etc. so that people can easily find you.
It will also help you to let others know about your LinkedIn profile.
5. Now come to the headline section:
While writing in the headline section always use catchy descriptive words to get the attention of recruiters, if you are a job seeker or professional.
Always use your skill keywords and your business keywords so that other users can easily find you.
The headline is the main field that you have to use wisely. Don’t just put anything.
Always use small catchy and descriptive headlines.
Try to put your skills, specialization, where you working right now, your contact details, etc. These are the must that you have to put on your LinkedIn headline.
6. Come to the About section:
In the About section, you can put a detailed description of your career, your past experiences, and your interests, your skills.
In the About section, you can write a detailed description of yourself to get found by your interested people.
It should be professional and in detail. Before writing about the section first, consider other LinkedIn famous profiles in your niche.
Search them and see how they describe their details in their profile.
7. Work experience:
Now put your work experience. Your experience where you worked and even if you are a college graduate put your internship experience.
Tell me about your experience in detail. What were your responsibilities?
What you had done you do?
Write your complete comprehensive experience, it will help you to recruiters will find you.
8. Daily active on your profile:
Most importantly, at least once open your LinkedIn profile.
Even it’s more important than your email, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, etc. If you are a professional then open at least once. Reply to your connections.
Always congrats to others for their achievements.
Wishes them for their anniversary and birthdays etc.
8. Daily post some useful content:
Yes, LinkedIn is a professional community, so it’s your responsibility to you to share some industry-related information, related to your skills and your interest.
It will surely attract other users to engage with your profile and ultimately help you to grow your professional network.
If possible write a comprehensive article.
In the article, you can write about anything related to your interest.
It will help you to find your profile in search engines and also on LinkedIn.
You can post text, images, and infographics to attract the audience. Be proactive in the LinkedIn feed section.
9. Tip for job seekers and a job change:
Always up to date, you’re LinkedIn profile because it’s just not only a profile, it’s your resume.
Always put your professional profile image with a cover.
Attached is your resume, which will help you to find recruiters easily.
Put some attractive headlines along with your past company’s experiences (if any).
Put your education along with your last company’s internship if you are fresher and don’t forget to put in volunteer experiences.
Add Your Skills to Your LinkedIn Profile.
10. Always engage with your audience
Just like other social networking platforms engaging with the audience is a must.
Always comment on others’ posts, appreciate them for their work, achievements, their awards, and honor, etc. If you already have a good network on LinkedIn then help others to find their opportunities.
Endorse other users then they will endorse you in the back.
Always appreciate others for their good work. Resharing others’ posts will help you to grow your audience.
10. Embed your LinkedIn profile on your website:
If you have a website or a blog you can embed your LinkedIn profile to your website.
Your website visitors can directly find you from your website and can easily connect on LinkedIn.
It will help you to grow your industry niche network.
11. Bonus tip:
You can use online tools to grow your LinkedIn profile after applying all the tactics I discussed above.
There are various tools available in the market, Here I want to recommend two must-use tools that I’ve been using for years.
It’s Linked Helper and Linked Assist. By ethically using these tools, you can easily grow your profile in a few days.
So here above I discussed how LinkedIn can give you the best possible results for your profile and your career growth.
If you will apply these tactics then it’s a surety, you will be from zero to hero in a few months.
You’ll have a strong LinkedIn profile in a few months.
What tactics do you use to grow your LinkedIn profile?