WhatsApp application is the largest and most popular instant-text application on the planet.
WhatsApp is the most downloaded application on the PlayStore and AppStore.
In case if you want to stay connected with your loved ones, friends and family members then make sure to download the application on your device.
Once the application is downloaded and installed, you can do a lot of things on the platform.
You can share whatever you want.
It’s basically an instant-text application. You can do a lot of things on the platform.
You can share text messages, you can share media files like images and videos, you can share documents like PDF, PPT, and live locations as well.
Sometimes you may need a platform to share thoughts and ideas with your friends and family members.
WhatsApp can help you with a lot of things.
Sometimes you may need to get in touch with a group of people at the same time or it can also be called in a group.
Make sure to create a WhatsApp group or a broadcast list in order to share thoughts and ideas with your friends and family members.
WhatsApp has now become a feature where you can share thoughts and ideas with a group of people.
YES! You heard it right, now you can create a WhatsApp group or a broadcast list in order to share thoughts and ideas with friends and family.
Sometimes you may need to hide your personal conversion and don’t want someone will get access to that conversation.
This personal conversation can be private or can be in a group.
Here is the role that comes into play by WhatsApp archived chats.
WhatsApp archived chats are the best ever option to hide any conversation, whether it can be private or in a group.
In this article, I’m gonna share with you everything you need to know about WhatsApp archived chats.
How it can help you to hide the chats and how it can help you in many ways.
Last but not least, I’ll share some more points that will help you to better understand the WhatsApp archive chats.
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How to archive WhatsApp chats?
In order to understand WhatsApp archived chats, you need to understand them separately.
Let’s take an example, there are basically two types of operating systems, the first one is Android and the second one is iOS.
Both of these operating systems have their own way of archiving the chats.
Let’s understand it step by step.
For Android users:
In case, if you’re using the Android OS then you need to understand some steps in order to get access to archiving the chats.
Make sure to stay with me and let’s start understanding how you can archive the chats in Android OS.
1. First, you need to open the WhatsApp application. Once the application opens, you need to choose the chat you want to archive.
2. After that, you need to long-press that chat in order to get access to numerous options.
3. Now you need to click on the archive chat button in order to archive that particular chat.
4. By pressing that, your chat is archived. That means no one will get access to that chat.
In case if you want to unarchive that chat then you need to follow certain steps.
Make sure to stay with me and I’ll tell you how you can unarchive all chats.
In case if you’re using an Android device then you need to follow the mentioned steps.
1. Make sure to scroll down to the bottom. When you do so, you’ll get access to the archived chats.
2. Now you need to click on the archived chats. Make sure to hit the unarchived chat and select the chat that you want to unarchive.
3. Now you need to long-press the chat that you want to unarchive. When you’ll do so it’ll ask you to unarchived the chat.
These are the required steps that you need to follow in order to unarchive the WhatsApp chats on Android devices.
In case if you want to archive and unarchive all the chats at the same time then make sure to stay with me in order to learn how you can do that.
1. First, you need to open the WhatsApp application. Now you need to click on the chats option.
2. After that, you need to click on the three dots you can find at the top right corner of the screen.
3. Now you need to click on the settings tab. Make sure to hit that tab in order to get access to settings.
4. Now you need to go to the CHATS option.
Inside that option, you need to click on the archive all chats and your all chats will be archived.
These are the required steps you need to follow in order to archive all the chats.
Now in my further discussion, I’ll explain how you’ll archive all chats in iOS.
For iOS users:
In case if you’re using an iOS device then you need to follow certain steps in order to get access to the WhatsApp archived chats.
You need to follow the required steps in case you want to archive the chats in iOS.
1. First, you need to open the WhatsApp application on your device. Once the application opens you need to click on the chat that you want to archive.
2. After that, you need to swipe from left to right in order to archive the WhatsApp chats.
In case you want to archive all chats at once then you need to follow certain steps in order to archive all the WhatsApp chats at once.
Make sure to stay with me and I’ll tell you how you can archive all the chats at once.
1. First, you need to open the WhatsApp application on your iOS device. Once the application opens, you need to go to settings.
2. In settings, you need to click on the chats. Inside the chat option, you can find the archive all chats button.
In case if you want to unarchive all the chats then you need to follow certain steps.
Now in my further discussion. I’m gonna share with you the steps to unarchive all chats at once.
1. Make sure to open the WhatsApp application on your iOS device.
2. Once the application opens, you need to pull chats down. When you’ll do so it’ll show you the archive chats button.
3. Make sure to click on that button in order to get access to all the archived chats.
Now you can remove these chats from the list.
These are the required steps you need to follow in order to archive your WhatsApp chats.
In case if you have any kind of issues then make sure to mention them in the comments down below.
Now in my further discussion, I’m gonna share with you some points that will help you to understand the archived chats.
Make sure to stay with me and I’ll share some points that will help you to understand the archived chats.
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Things to know about Archive chats:
Now in my further discussion, I’m gonna share with you things that you should be aware of while using the WhatsApp archive feature.
1. What happens when you archive a chat?
Archiving a WhatsApp chat is the best ever feature in case you want to hide the WhatsApp chats.
Sometimes you may need to hide someone’s WhatsApp chats and at the same time, if you don’t want to delete that chat then you can use this amazing feature in order to hide the chat of that person.
You can’t even archive the contact chats, you can even hide the group chats as well.
WhatsApp has this amazing feature to hide and unhide the chats at a time.
In case you have any kind of issue in hiding and unhiding the WhatsApp chats then make sure to mention it inside the comment down below.
2. What you can archive?
Well, you can hide the complete WhatsApp chats.
In case you think that you want to hide someone’s full messages then you can hide that contact chats by archiving them.
You can even hide the group chats as well.
In order to hide the group chats, you need to follow the same steps.
3. Will I receive messages after the archive?
Once you archive any WhatsApp chat or group chat, you’ll still receive the messages.
When you receive the message, you’ll get notified by notification. Once you’re notified, when you click on the notification icon, the chat will become unarchive.
Once the WhatsApp chats are archived, you can unarchive the chats at a time.
WhatsApp chats can be easily hidden and unhidden at any time.
4. Will other people be notified about archiving any chat?
No, that person who chats you hide or archive won’t notify you.
That means you can secretly hide someone’s WhatsApp chats and even if you can delete the chats they won’t get notified.
In case you want to hide someone’s WhatsApp chats then make sure to do that, they won’t get notified.
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5. Online status effect:
Suppose you hide someone’s WhatsApp chats, now you want to see whether that person can see your online status or not.
WELL, the answer is YES, that person can see, you’re still online.
This means it won’t affect the online status.
In case you’re online and you hide or archive my WhatsApp chats then I can see you’re still online.
6. Know someone archives your chats:
It’s practically impossible to know that person archived your WhatsApp chats.
There is no way to know that this person archives your WhatsApp chats.
In case you want to know then there is the only option that you need to ask that person.
7. Delete archive chats:
There are not any special steps you need to take in order to archive the WhatsApp chats.
In case you want to completely delete the archive chats then you need to click on the archive chats option.
Inside it, you can see all the chats that you have archived till now.
Now you need to click and hold the chat that you want to archive.
After that, you need to click on the delete button you can find at the top of the application.
When you hit that button your WhatsApp archive chats will be deleted from the list.
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Bottom lines:
It’s all about WhatsApp archive chats.
In case if you want to archive your WhatsApp chats then you need to follow the above steps.
I have explained all the things related to archive chats.
In case if you have any kind of issue then make sure to mention it in the comments down below.
WhatsApp is the most popular application around the world.
If you want to connect with your loved ones, friends, and family members then make sure to follow the above guidelines and implement them in order to archive WhatsApp chats.
It’s one of the best ways to hide the chats.