This application TEXT NOW APK is also available on the Google Play Store. This application was developed by Textnow Corporation.
You can also communicate on an international level but it will take some extra paid charge to communicate international calls.
This application is developed for communication locally and internationally. You can communicate very easily with this application TEXT NOW APK.
This application TEXT NOW APK provides you with a high-quality network for the best communication.
You will not face any network problems while using this application TEXT NOW APK.
If you are a citizen or user of the US and Canada. So maybe you know about an application which is most popular in these countries.
This application is used in the US and Canada for communication. This application is widely used in the US and Canada for communication.
This is the main medium of communication in these communications.
This application is really awesome for users of these countries because it is totally free.
Download size of TEXT NOW APK – The download size of this application TEXT NOW APK is very less so you can easily download this application TEXT NOW APK for best communication.
The download size of this application TEXT NOW APK is only 37.8 MB. Total Downloads of TEXT NOW APK – The total downloads of this application TEXT NOW APK are so good.
The total downloads of this application TEXT NOW APK is 50,000,000+. This data is enough to prove the quality and features of this application TEXT NOW APK.
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How to download this application TEXT NOW APK
You can download it from APKSpin.
This application is very easy to download so you can easily download this application on your device.
- If you want to download this app TEXT NOW app which is the upgraded version of the Messenger application. Click on the given download button.
- After clicking on the download button. You will see two options: first, cancel, or second ok means confirmation. If you want to download this application TEXT NOW you have to click on the OK option.
- After ok your downloading will start. It will take a few minutes. The time depends on your internet connection speed.
- After successfully downloading. You will see a downloaded file of this application TEXT NOW app is stored in your file manager, browser downloads, and others.
- Open that downloaded TEXT NOW APK file and you will see the two options again: first is cancel and second is install. Click on the install option to successfully install.
- After clicking on the install option your installation will start but it will take a few seconds to finish. After completing installation open your application TEXT NOW app.
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How to use this application TEXT NOW APK
This application is a user-friendly application and reliable application. You can use this application very easily. This application is so simple to use and no other functions and changes in this application TEXT NOW APK.
- Open this application TEXT NOW APK after successfully installing it.
- Now you will see a sign-in feature. You have to register your mobile number to open this application and also you can sign in with your account just like a Gmail account, Facebook account, and all other accounts that this application allows you to sign in.
- Now, this application gives you a mobile number in the US or Canada that you want to communicate locally. It means only in your country.
- If you want to use this application to communicate internationally, you have to pay. You can also earn with this application and use that earned money to unlock international-level communication features easily.
- Now you can communicate with your friends, family members and also your other known or unknown person.
- To chat with your friends and family, go to the chat option select the contact which you want to communicate by chat message, and type the text and send it easily.
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- This application gives you a unique local US or Canada mobile number to give your number to your friends and family because they can communicate with you very easily by your given mobile number.
- This application provides you with unlimited text and pictures to communicate very comfortably. No this type of restriction in this application means no limitation in this application.
- This application also allows you to connect international calls but you have to pay to unlock this feature after paying the amount you will unlock this feature.
- This application TEXT NOW APK provides the best feature that you can enjoy free unlimited calls to any phone number in the US and Canada.
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Review of this application TEXT NOW APK
The review is so good most users are satisfied with using this application.
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- Can I make international calls with this application?
yes, why not but you have to pay to connect international calls. After paying you will able to make international calls.
- I have an iPhone can I download this application on my mobile iPhone?
Yes, why not this application supports Android and iOS both. So you can download it easily on your phone.
This application is most popular in these countries the US and Canada.
You can also communicate on an international level but it will take some extra paid charge to communicate international calls.
This application is perfectly designed for users to communicate everywhere.