ES FILE EXPLORER APK is a modified application of File Manager or My Files application. This application is very reliable and faster than all other file-managing applications.
This application is very light in size so you can use this application very easily.
ES FILE EXPLORER APK is one of the most popular applications to control your phone storage including internal and external storage and all types of files like – photos, videos, gifs, android files, APK files, audios, recorded voices, songs, applications, Mod files, Document files, PDF files, Presentation files, Excel files, and all other data storages present in your device.
This is an amazing and fantastic application for a storage agent of Your device. This application ES FILE EXPLORER APK is reliable and faster than most file-managing applications. This application runs very fast and performs very well.
There are so many types of files including photos, videos, gifs, android files, APK files, audios, recorded voices, songs, applications, Mod files, Document files, PDF files, Presentation files, Excel files, and all other data storage present in your device.
You have two types of storage: first is your internal storage which by default comes with your Android and second is External storage means the SD card of any brand.
This is called external storage because you can remove this from your Android easily.
So it is so difficult to control these huge storages without any gadget or an application. There are so many types of files included and stored in these storages. So it is so difficult to find any file types in these huge storages.
Don’t worry you have the easiest tools to control all files of your Internal storage and External storage.
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How to download this application ES FILE EXPLORER APK
You can download it from APKSpin.
ES FILE EXPLORER APK is very easy to download. You can directly download this application ES FILE EXPLORER APK by following these steps which are given below.
- To download the ES FILE EXPLORER application click on the given download link.
- Now you will see an option that will interface cancel or ok. Click on the OK option.
- Now your downloading will be started and you will see your downloading status in your notification bar.
- To complete downloading it will take some time to download. The timing depends on how fast your internet speed is.
- After completing the downloading. open the downloaded ES FILE EXPLORER application file.
- After opening click on the install option and wait for installing. It will take a few seconds to install.
- After installing you will see the OK option click on that for complete installation.
- Now you can open the ES FILE EXPLORER application.
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How to use this application ES FILE EXPLORER APK
ES FILE EXPLORER APK is very easy to use and a very simple application to use. This application ES FILE EXPLORER APK is a user-friendly application so you can use this application very easily.
- Open your downloaded application ES FILE EXPLORER APK.
- After opening this application it will request you to give some permission. Check the permission and click on allow.
- Now you will see your recently downloaded files including all types of files that will appear on your home page.
- There are two main options the first is Internal storage and the second is External storage.
- You can check all the options and also check your files.
- Now you can delete Your useless files and also you can transfer your files from internal storage to external storage or from one folder to another folder.
- You will see so many useful options in this application ES FILE EXPLORER APK.
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Features of this application ES FILE EXPLORER APK

The feature of this application is amazing. This application ES FILE EXPLORER APK provides you so many allowances and many features.
- This application provides you with data to see how your storage data remains in your internal and external storage and how much storage is used in Your internal storage and external storage.
- You can also see the details of any files or folders including the downloaded date, size, path where it is stored, and all other details.
- This application divides your files and storage into different folders and categories because you can find your files very easily.
- You can transfer the files from one folder to another folder and also you can transfer the files from internal storage to external storage.
- You can copy the files and paste them anywhere and make duplicate files.
- This application ES FILE EXPLORER APK Provides you with protection security to protect your special folders. You can set passwords in your files or folders very easily.
- You can search your files including – photos, videos, gifs, android files, APK files, audio, recorded voices, songs, applications, Mod files, Document files, PDF files, Presentation files, Excel files, and all other data storage present in your device by their original name.
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Review of this application ES FILE EXPLORER APK
The review of this application is awesome.
- Wao really this application is great. With the help of this application, I maintained my storage.
- With the help of this application, I could delete all my useless files and make space in my storage.
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- How can I search files by their name?
Yes, you can search your files very easily. Go to the search bar and type your file name but sure your file name is correct and after that, your file appears.
- Can I download this application on Samsung mobile?
Yes, why not you can easily download this application on your Samsung device. The size of this application is very small.
The total downloads of this application are so high. There are 500 Million+ downloads of this application ES FILE EXPLORER APK.
This data is enough to express the quality of this application.
It is one of the most popular applications to control your phone storage including internal and external storage and all types of files like – photos, videos, gifs, android files, apk files, audios, recorded voices, songs, applications, Mod files, Document files, PDF files, Presentation files, Excel files, and all other data storages present in your device.
This is an amazing and fantastic application for a storage agent for Your device.